Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A letter to a friend after A&P's kids Memorial

Hello W..

Today was very emotional, for all of us. It was a mixture of feelings,and questions, and wonderings about a million things in this world we live in. I think the biggest tests of faith are those involving acceptance of what we don't understand. I think we're too full ofourselves sometimes that we think we know it all. And only then, onlywhen we least expect it, does something so tragic, so shocking, so cruel in a way, remind us that this whole game of life is so fake and easily destroyable.

Who could have thought something as simple as a take away meal for a fun weekend with the kids could turn into a lifetime of pain? I can almost hear God laughing at us all.. At how confident and smart we think we are.

Oh, I believe in God. I believe He loves me and I so do myself. Its only because I like to think that I have a personal relationship with Him that I allow myself to speak about Him this way. I'm sure He understands. He made me, didn't He?

Oh W.. I started this email because I wanted to say that in a way,in a very weird way, it was kind of nice seeing all of you today. It'sbeen 2 years since I last saw all these (F) people. And although (F) was not all about fun and good times, I like to remember thepeople I work and live with, on a personal and a human level. It is only sad that we had to meet under such tragic circumstances.

But this is how we are. We always think there will be time to catch up with old friends or see that old aunt of ours. There's always time, its only not now. And before we know it, we're all there, all of us,only because someone's life had been shattered. Wouldn't it have been nicer if we went out for a cup of coffee instead??

So, if this email hadn't bored you to death or depressed you for aweek ahead, do call me or txt me email me next time you're in Dubai,and let's meet up for a cup of coffee. Let's try to learn a lesson,even if it was learnt out of a tragedy.

Oh, and do send me pics of your boys now!

Be blessed, and take care.


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