Sunday, June 14, 2009

My Passion Test

A couple of months ago, I was reading an excellent book called ‘The Passion Test’.

This book is supposed to help me find my passions, figure out what I really want in my life, and fulfill it, with the powers of positive thinking and attracting it into my life.

When I started reading it, I thought that figuring out exactly what I want in life would be easy. I mean, don’t we all know that, at some level or the other? Having to write it down, expressing it, and the feeling that this is IT, this is the only chance that I might get to define what I want and wait for it to happen, was not as easy as I thought.

When asked about what they want, people often give cliché answers. They say: I want to be happy. I want to be fulfilled.

It is not as easy though, to try to define what is it that might bring them that longed-for happiness.

Ladies & gentlemen, my list of the five most important things that I am passionate about, and believe would bring me happiness:

1- Living in a fulfilled relationship, filled with love & understanding, stability & good times.
2- Being healthy, and enjoying it.
3- Living in a comfortable ‘home’, where I can place all my thoughts and feelings in.
4- Working in a challenging & a rewarding job, leading a successful team and enjoying the process.
5- Establishing a good & a healthy relationship with my family, at all times.


  1. your blog is good .
    I like it.

  2. Your blog is so great, stay focused you will achieve. I'm in the same spot, but I'm 48 and still searching. I think I took a break in between. :)

  3. I decided about 2 years ago to learn about internet marketing and I love it. Opened my first website and learning something new everyday about being a webmaster, and now I feel like I have a goal. Fun and creative stuff. Good luck!


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